Sopu work helps in crisis and conflict situations that are related to ideas of honour

oHave you been dating in secret? Are you worried that you have offended your family’s honour?
Would you like to divorce your spouse, but your family does not accept that?
Do you spend time in places where you have been told not to go? Are you afraid of your family’s reaction in case they would find out?
Do you dress differently than what your family expects of you? Do you feel like you need to hide things about yourself?
Have people been spreading rumours about you in your community?
Do you feel attracted to the same gender? Are you scared about what will happen if your family finds out?
Do you feel like your own dreams for the future are very different than those of your parents? Is this causing constant arguments within your family?
Secrets can be heavy to carry alone. Come talk with a Sopu-worker.
You can contact a Sopu-worker from the number +358 10 508 8830 or via email at We will answer contact requests during office hours. Please call the national emergency number 112, if you urgently need help, if you are afraid of violence or of being forced to travel to your country of origin.
You can also contact us anonymously over the phone, email or WhatsApp. You can message us also on Instagram and Facebook. All conversations between us and our clients are confidential. Our service is free of charge. We will never contact the person(s) threatening you, the other parties of the conflict or the authorities without your permission.
We offer translation to our clients
When needed, we book a translator to our meetings with our client. We use professional translators, and we listen to our clients’ wishes regarding choosing the translator (ie. in terms of gender, ethnic background, and dialect). The client chooses whether the translator will be present in the room or translating via phone. We do not reveal the clients name to the translator, especially when the client so requests. We collect feedback from our clients about the quality of the translation immediately after the meeting. Furthermore, the translation never costs anything to our client. Please note, that in situations where we meet the client by request from authorities, the authorities will cover the cost of the translation. In such cases we cannot necessarily affect the selection of the translator.
Do you want to influence attitudes in your community?
If you (or your association or group) have planned to start working against honour related violence, for example by organising an event, training or campaign, please feel encouraged to contact us and share your ideas. We can offer you our support and collaborate on the effort.
Information about our work
Sopu-work, part of Loisto setlementti ry. (a non-governmental organisation based in Helsinki), has since 2012 worked on preventing honour related violence and supporting young people and families in honour related conflict and crisis situations. Sopu-work and Bahar project together form Loisto setlementti’s unit that specialised in understanding honour related ideas and conflicts and working against honour related violence.
Our activities target persons who experience that their individual rights, safety, integrity, and immunity are violated due to a conflict in their families, extended families or relationships. These conflicts can stem from the collective social and moral norms of the family or community and the behaviour expected of individuals in these contexts. In addition to the crisis and conflict work, we even support young people who have detached from their family or community or have been rejected by them due to honour related conflict or violence.

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